After going through a terrible break up, sometimes we wonder to ourselves, "is there a right time to call after a break up?" For most, it is usually not necessary because it will only bring back the tears and the pain. Others believe it should be avoided at all costs if you really want to let go of the relationship and become more confident with yourself. It would really depend on the person if he or she wishes to call after a break up, but there are some instances where you should not call or else your ex would assume you are calling because you are lonely and miss him or her after all. Do not allow them to believe that you can not stand on your own, so before picking up that receiver and dialing his or her number, take into consideration these questions.

How long has it been since you two broke up? Some people would call a day or two after the break up while others would let a month or two pass by before calling. If you do not want your ex to think that you are desperate to hear his or her voice, consider the time that has passed since you parted ways and decide if you should call or not.
Why are you calling in the first place? Is it to ask how your ex is doing? Is it to ask discreetly if he or she is having the time of his life already without you? If there is really no significant reason to call such as getting your stuff back or reminding him that you two are closing your joint account, then do not call.
What will you get from calling your ex? Think about it. After talking to your ex for ten to twenty minutes, how do you feel afterwards? Happier or in much more pain than before? Do not do something that you will regret later on. Think first before calling and take into consideration how you wold feel after making that call.
There is really no harm in calling your ex, but sometimes calling your ex adds more pain to your broken heart than good. If you are wondering to yourself, "is there a right time to call after a break up, think about the consequences of that particular call and you might just realize later on that calling is just going to lead you to nowhere. Probably the best time to call would be when you are free from the pain and have finally moved on from the past.