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Published On:Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Posted by devil

How to Stay in a Committed Relationship

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Sometimes relationships progress well on their own. A couple may naturally just make all the right decisions and "luck into" having everything move along smoothly with few road bumps.
Other relationships aren't so lucky. In my experience I would estimate that most aren't.
Unfortunately, "Love" isn't enough. Even if both partners love each other dearly, there are other aspects to a relationship which can cause the progression of a relationship to slow down and possibly even stop.

If your relationship isn't moving along nicely, if your man isn't advancing the relationship at the desired pace and you're worried about staying in a committed relationship, it's time to take action and turn things around.

T. Dub Jackson has stated that most relationships that fail, probably didn't have to. If one or both partners knew more about the mechanics of relationships, it could likely have been salvaged.
So if you're in a committed relationship, even if you aren't certain about it's current stability, you can likely do a lot to not only turn it into a stable and committed relationship, but progress it towards marriage.
All on his own accord and without you being pushy or playing "hard to get".
Every man views himself in two separate ways.
The first way is as he sees himself, through his own eyes.
The second way is how he perceives that others see him. This includes how YOU see him.
This second view is called the Masculine Hero Avatar Principle (MHAP). This is he image he feels he MUST project because of his upbringing and social programming. Without understanding this, you'll be forever lost in trying to understand men.
On the other hand, having this knowledge will allow you to understand a man's weird behavior, why men lie, why men pull away even when things seem to be going so well and how to turn it all around so he WANTS to fully commit to you and take your relationship to the next level.
The first principle of MHAP is that a man truly wants to be loved for the REAL HIM. This brings to light one of the "Invisible Man Traps" that many women stumble into.
For example, during the first few dates, a man is likely to embellish the truth a bit in order to paint himself in the best light possible. He may take you to expensive restaurants and buy you gifts.
If you continue accepting the gifts and joining him for expensive dinners, he may soon begin to feel that you only like him for his money! Crazy right?
Just make a BIG DEAL that you would he happy to go out to dinner with him regardless of what restaurant, as long as it is with him. If he gives you gifts (especially if you suspect he's stretching his budget), let him know that he already has your attention without all the gifts.
That is one of the Invisible Man Traps (which he doesn't even realize he has set!) and the first of four MHAP principles. It is vital to understand each principle and know how to spot the Invisible Man Traps if you want to avoid relationship problems, stay in a committed relationship and progress it towards marriage.
Discover More About The Invisible Man Traps and the other MHAP's. Watch Your Free Training Video And Stay In A Committed Relationship

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Posted by devil on 11:18 PM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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