When you feel a relationship has come to its very end, the best thing you can hope for is a peaceful break up. You hoping that means that you are a kind individual who would like to stay friends with the future ex regardless of that person's shortcomings during your relationship.
Another option would be the hurtful method. The one where you wish to inflict as much pain and damage possible to your future ex and the only reason to stay in touch with that person would be for rubbing his or her nose in it with any occasion. You may not be such a kind person.
Now, in many cases the other half of the relationship has no idea his/her world is coming to an abrupt end at the hands of the loved one. Tough luck.
In order for the break up to be successful, and by that I mean you being single at the end of the operation, you have to know your other half and act accordingly. Don't hurt her feelings whenever possible and be honest. If you found someone else just say so, most people will be hurt but will also not fight for it.
You can always use the 'it's not you, it's me' line, but that doesn't really work at all especially on women, since they tend to become protective over the matter and before you know it you're back to square one.
Do not insult each other. It does little honor to you to treat disrespectfully the person you were holding in your arms not too long ago. You're insulting yourself. Although if infidelity or lying or in general hurtful things are at the core of your break up, insults are not only permitted but also encouraged. That's because you unload your anger and project it. It may not be kind, but it will bring some sort of release, otherwise you'll carry on the frustration.
There's no recipe for break up. I cannot simply write some words that you recite to the other one and magic happens. If you're a jerk you don't need this, you can simply kick him or her out. If you want a decent break up then state your reasons, perhaps there may be a communication between you two.
Whatever the case, just think about the other one in terms of friendship, not war. Who knows, in time you may come to need him or her again and it's best to not close the door.