If you are experiencing some difficult times in your relationship, trying a date night could be just the thing to put some life back into it. Even if you are thinking of bringing an end to your relationship you may find that doing a date night could bring the two of you closer together again. Of course making the right or wrong date night decisions can make or break any effort to save your relationship.
The purpose of doing date nights is to step away from the issues that are causing problems between you. The two of you need to get out alone, if there are kids get a baby setter. This is your time to be who you were when you first met so try to avoid any bad vibes from outside sources that might ruin it for you.
When you go on your nights out, leave work at home. This is supposed to be a special night with you and your partner and you don't want to ruin it with work intervening. If you or your partner can't put work on the back burner when you are together this could be part of your problem. It might be interfering with your relationship enough that it needs to be looked at. It should be no problem one night per week leaving work at home for your date nights.
Avoid canceling date nights at all costs once scheduled unless there is a very good reason for it. Cancelling your date night means you are making that reason more important than your relationship. Things will happen to interfere but taking the extra effort to keep your date scheduled means a lot.
Trying to rearrange your plans can be just as harmful. Maybe the baby sitter cannot make it or other issues pop up, either way it can do more harm than good in most cases. If you want to take your dates serious then sometimes it can be better to not schedule a date than have to cancel one.
For best results don't do the same thing each date. It will become boring and the two of you will feel it becoming monotonous. Keeping things fun and exciting will help your relationship gain new life. Make a list of things to do that both of you would enjoy or grant the wish of each other for something to do.
Going on date nights can be as boring or exciting as you make them. Of course the more exciting and fun the better. Take advantage of these to break out of the mold of sitting home every night so you can breathe new life into your relationship.