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Published On:Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Posted by abg man

A Successful Marriage Is Like Building A Fire In The Rain

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There are a lot of things said in a marriage or during the course of married life that absolutely make no sense. It is in the art of the marriage relationship that a husband and wife grow together in conflict and quiet resolution. It's kinda like trying to build a fire in the rain... it can be done, but boy it sure takes a lot of extra work.
First comes the realization that you emphatically and without question must understand that the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears - nor is in her face - or even the way she wears her hair. Paying homage to the externals in your relationship is only a very small part of what you need to be doing.
The beauty of a woman resides in her eyes - that is the door to her heart - that is where she lives.
On the other end of the spectrum are the thoughtless thoughts of her male counterpart. (hence the endearing term for a husband given by his adoring wife... he's way out there.)

We men tend to take a lot of things for granted, among most of which is that we are not always paying attention at the appropriate time and circumstance to the immediate problem or situation that has her attention.
For us, there is not always what appears to be an immediate problem/situation because it is usually preceded by and followed by an I told you so. It would be much easier to build a fire in the rain than to try and solve that riddle!
Regardless of the he said/she said saga, if you do not "listen" to each other, it is going to lead to some disastrous conditions and some very awkward situations. It is not just listening... you see listening is very perceptive art form that is acquired over time and patience. A successful marriage is very much like building a fire in the rain. To listen simply means to talk to the other person. It means to be realistically involved and engaged in each others conversations. Grunting from behind the newspaper at the breakfast table or tossing out the occasion - yes dear - as you are otherwise pre-occupied with your own activity is the most sure way to rain on the fire of the relationship very early in the marriage.
When you take that well deserved and long looked for vacation and go camping (jump head long into marriage and all of its responsibilities), the weather will be your best friend or your worst enemy. Just like in a successful marriage, you can count on a rainy day even though the sun was shining brightly when you started out on your road to forever together in your married life.
Building a fire in the rain is not a total impossibility (they do it in the movies all the time). With the right tools and a whole lot of patience, yes... it can be done. The same is true for a building a successful marriage. You are not going to light that magical heartwarming fire on the first try. It will take several and sometimes very frustrating tries to succeed.
Until the next time... keep your powder dry... and always carry a stash of matches to be able to re-kindle the romance and keep the spark in your marriage alive and forever burning brightly. In a good marriage, when you're hot, you're hot!
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Posted by abg man on 8:32 AM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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