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Published On:Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Posted by abg man

Guide To Understanding Women

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"I'm on the way"
When you suddenly hear this line from a woman, Then you probably be waiting for an hour or longer cause what she really means is that, she's still on her way to take a bath and get dressed.
Do I look fat in this dress?"
When a woman asks you this, you're doomed. Whatever you answer, she'll disagree. She already knows she looks fat or wouldn't be asking you the question in the first place. And if you tell her that she looks skinny, she knows it's not the truth and she'll get mad at you not only for lying to her, but also for noticing that she's gaining some extra pounds. She might even break into tears and will get insecure.
Here are some funny truths and tips on what Women Really mean to say:
"GO AHEAD" (With their eyebrows raised) When she tells you this look at her eyebrows. This means a dare. She is challenging you.

"GO AHEAD" ( Eyebrows not raised) This means "I give up" or "do what you want because I'm already tired".
" Nothing" When she answers this and suddenly silence comes after, then it really means "something" you have to figure out
"I'm FINE" When she says this without looking at you then she is not really okay. This is the right time you can hug and comfort her. At this point you can win a girl's heart. Trust me
The Body Language
Action speaks louder than words. Read between its line.
When a woman told you:
I'm not yet ready for a relationship... "OR
"I think we're better off as friends... "
What She really means is: I don't love you or I'm not interested to you or I don't feel anything for you.
Remember this: Only our ACTIONS truly reflect our FEELINGS.
Reading a woman's body language can easily give you an idea on what is going on in her mind and whether you have any chances of taking things further with her. So if you're talking to her on the phone, whatever she says doesn't really mean as what it really meant.
To understand real women, the women you want to spend your life with, you need to come to grips with the complex nature of femininity. There is no quick guide to understanding women or femininity, but I intend to start the process here.
A woman doesn't want you to give in all the time, she wants you to believe in your mission, in what you stand for. Her tests are geared to find out how grounded you are in yourself. The feminine energy is an energy that is aloof. With you grounded, she can open up safely to it
Women think and react with their emotions at least more than men do, in general. But it's really about testing you guys. And tests are ultimately all about control of the relationship. So you guys out there, already know what your woman mean to? Just try to understand them.
Thank you so much for taking time reading, if I missed some quotes, please don't hesitate to comment on my blog

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Posted by abg man on 11:32 AM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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