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Published On:Friday, May 11, 2012
Posted by devil

Bill Gates – The World’s Best Philanthropist

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He is known as the founder of Microsoft, the world’s richest man, former CEO of Microsoft and plenty of other things. But one thing about his personality that’s missed many times is his interest and struggle for the welfare of humanity.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated 28 billion dollars in charitable works since 2007 which makes up 48% of Bill Gates’ net worth. The foundation works by bringing vaccines and improved healthcare facilities across the world especially in third world countries where such facilities and vaccines aren’t available. Funding such expensive projects is very difficult, even for some developed countries as they are too preoccupied in their own matters. This is why Bill Gates decided to take a stand and is still currently doing so.

Children across the world have given vaccines of potentially fatal diseases such as yellow fever, pneumonia, polio, whooping cough, HIB bacteria, measles and many more, saving at least six million lives over the past year and still counting. Bill Gates is not only donating his money to philanthropic causes but is also encouraging other fellow Americans to do the same. To do this he and his wife Melinda gates have created a foundation called the “Giving Pledge Foundation”.

Bill Gates also works and collaborates with international organizations such as United Nations, World Bank, UNICEF etc to provide cheap medicines to the third-world countries. The result of this effort forces the pharmaceutical companies to lower the cost of vaccines. Bill Gates has spent over 200 million dollars only for malarial vaccines so that they can be provided to third world countries.
Bill has joined the elite group of philanthropists which includes legendry donators such as Warren Buffett, Donna and Philip Berber and many more.

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Posted by devil on 10:52 AM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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