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Published On:Thursday, August 2, 2012
Posted by abg man

Kofi Annan resigns as UN Syria envoy

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Kofi Annan has resigned from his post as international envoy for Syria after trying in vain for six months to bring peace in the country.
UNITED NATIONS: United Nations and Arab League envoy Kofi Annan has resigned from his post as international envoy for Syria after trying in vain for six months to broker peace and bring the country's warring parties to the table.

Annan's resignation was announced by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who expressed "deep regret" on Annan's decision to step down as the international envoy.

"Annan has informed me, and the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Nabil El Araby, of his intention not to renew his mandate when it expires on August 31, 2012," Ban said in a statement here.

Ban said he is consulting with El-Araby to appoint a successor to Annan who can "carry on this crucial peacemaking effort."

Ban expressed his deepest gratitude to Annan for the "determined and courageous efforts" he made as the Syrian joint special enoy.

Annan "deserves our profound admiration for the selfless way in which he has put his formidable skills and prestige to this most difficult and potentially thankless of assignments".

Annan's resignation comes six months after he was appointed by the UN to engage with President Bashar Al-Assad's government and the rebel forces to bring an end to the violence in Syria which has so far left nearly 10,000 people dead and thousands more displaced.

Blaming the Syrian government and opposition forces, Ban said they continue to demonstrate their determination to rely on ever-increasing violence.

He also expressed his dissatisfaction with the UN Security Council that has remained sharply divided over the measures that should be taken against Assad's regime.

"In addition, the persistent divisions within the Security Council have themselves become an obstacle to diplomacy, making the work of any mediator vastly more difficult," the UN chief said.

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