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Published On:Saturday, July 21, 2012
Posted by abg man

How Rich Was Hitler and Who Gets His Royalties Today?

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How Rich Was Hitler and is someone getting rich off his royalties today? Many people don’t realize that aside from being the most evil person in history, Adolf Hitler was one of the richest authors of all time. The first royalties from Hitler’s best selling book Mein Kampf funded the early Nazi party’s rise to power and would eventually sell over 10 million copies worldwide. The royalties gave Hitler a vast personal fortune which he used to fund a lavish lifestyle that included a fleet of Mercedes, a luxurious mansion and many other high priced items. Furthermore, Hitler made millions licensing his image to his own government for the use on things like stamps and political posters. It should be noted that in addition to his personal wealth, Hitler and the Nazis also had access to vast amounts of stolen property, precious metals, and priceless works of art but for this article we are going to focus on how much Hitler made personally, from legal endeavors, during his lifetime. And finally who is cashing his royalty checks today?
Mein Kampf inside Cover
How rich was Hitler?

Why Did Hitler Write Mein Kampf?
Hitler wrote Mein Kamp in 1923 while serving a five year sentence in Landsberg Prison after his failed Beer Hall Putsch. He dictated the book to two cell mates Rudolph Hess and Emil Maurice over roughly a year and a half. The idea for writing a book was initially conceived as a way for Hitler to pay down the rather large debt he accumulated as part of his legal defense. He had low expectations for the book, hoping that it would be popular among fellow National Socialist Party members.
Hitler Becomes Rich:
In its first year of publication, 1925, Mein Kampf sold a modest 9000 copies and earned Hitler no royalties at all. As Hitler’s political profile began to rise, so did his books sales. In 1930 he sold 55,000 copies. In 1933, the year Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, sales exploded to over 850,000 copies. Once he was in power, the German government purchased and distributed 6 million copies of Mein Kampf to soldiers, and average citizens alike. Every married couple in Germany was given a “free” copy of the book on their wedding day. At his peak, Hitler was earning over $1 million a year from Mein Kampf royalties. That’s the equivalent of $12 million a year in 2012 US dollars.
Hitler's Mercedes
Hitler’s Mercedes

In total, Mein Kampf sold over 10 million copies by the time he committed suicide in 1945 and earned Hitler $7.8 million reichsmarks, which is equal to $152 million inflation adjusted 2012 US dollars. Hitler used his fortune to fund a lavish lifestyle. While still poor and imprisoned, Hitler once wrote to a Mercedes Benz dealer in Munich, asking for a loan on future royalties so he could buy the Mercedes 11/40 model that was his dream car. The dealer declined but soon Hitler would own a fleet of Mercedes. He also used his new found wealth to purchase several lavish homes including one that became the main headquarters of the Nazi party, the Berghorf, also known as the Eagle’s Nest. Hitler invested millions of his own dollars into purchasing and renovating the Berghorf property from what was once a small chalet into what we would today consider a massive luxurious estate complete with libraries, screening rooms, pools, tennis courts, multiple car garages and much more. Hitler earned enough money to accumulate a $10 million tax bill which he promptly forgave the day he became Chancellor.
Hitler's Berghorf Residence
Hitler’s Berghorf Residence

Mein Kampf’s International Royalties:
Hitler also earned royalties from international book sales up until 1939 when he was declared an enemy by the allied states. The amounts were modest. For example, between 1933 and 1938 Hitler’s UK royalties amounted to roughly $500,000 inflation adjusted dollars. His American royalty check for the same years was just $49,000. And those amounts do not include the 20% commission his literary agent Curtis Brown took. In 1939 the United States seized control of Hitler’s US publishing royalties by invoking the Trading with Enemy Act. By the end of the war, the United States had seized $255,000 worth of Hitler’s royalties and distributed them to war refugee charities.
Who Makes Money off Hitler’s Royalties Today?
When Hitler committed suicide in 1945, his nephew Leo Raubal (his half sister’s child) had a very legitimate claim to the royalties, which could have been worth millions of dollars, but Leo adamantly refused to have anything to do with Mein Kampf’s profits. Therefore Mein Kampf became property of the state of Bavaria. Bavaria outlawed publishing of Mein Kampf in Germany however, under German copyright law, the book becomes public domain on April 30th 2015, 70 years after the author’s death. At that time, anyone with a printing press to sell the book within Germany and not pay a single royalty.
After the war, the American publishing company Houghton Mills purchased the US rights to Mein Kampf from the government’s Office of Alien Property for $37,000. Houghton Mills would go on to earn $700,000 in royalties over the next 20 years which they ended up donating to charity amid wide public outcry and protest. But it should be noted that Houghton Mills was not eager to giver their Mein Kampf profits away, they actually fought against it until the criticism was too loud.
The royalty situation in other countries varied. In the U.K. Mein Kampf was banned from being published from 1945 – 1969, after which all collected royalties were donated to anonymous charities. It turned out to be difficult to find a charity that would accept the royalties since most considered the funds to be blood money. Mein Kampf was unrestricted in other countries and has recently gone on to become a best seller in countries like Sweden, India and Turkey. Those royalties are begrudgingly accepted by the state of Bavaria, then distributed to charity.
Other Sources of Hitler Income:
During his reign, Hitler allowed his image to be used on German stamps and posters that pushed the Nazi propaganda machine. He did not, however, hand over his image for free. While technically German photographer Heinrich Hoffmann owned the rights to Hitler’s official state portraits, many historians are convinced that Hoffman as a puppet and that the true beneficiary was the Fuhrer himself. Hitler likely earned the additional tens of millions of dollars licensing his image to the state for a variety of propaganda purposes. Like his Mein Kampf rights, the rights to his image are now controlled by the state of Bavaria.
During his time as an artist in Vienna, Hitler produced hundreds of paintings. Many of these were seized by The US government after WWII and will never see the light of day. But periodically a few dozen of his paintings will come up for auction and fetch tens of thousands of dollars for a private seller. As with his book royalties, Hitler’s distant heirs would have a legitimate claim to those profits but so far all have refused.
Adolf Hitler Painting
An Adolf Hitler Painting from 1910

In Conclusion:
History should remember that Hitler’s rise to power would not have been possible without those early Mein Kampf publishing royalties. As his power grew, so did book sales and royalties which made Hitler extremely wealthy. The money funded a lavish lifestyle, and allowed Hitler to consolidate and progress his evil goals. The book is still semi-popular today especially among insane Neo-Nazi groups and other radicals around the world BUT in an ironic twist of fate, when someone buys the book today they are most likely benefiting a charitable cause that they would otherwise detest.

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Posted by abg man on 1:09 AM. Filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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