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Published On:Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Posted by Zainab Amin

Valentine's Day Gifts - What Your Girlfriend Doesn't Need To Know About Them By Emma H Geller

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Have you ever found the perfect Valentine's Day gift for your girl and managed to spoil it for her by giving her too many details of how and when it was bought? When women get a gift that they love, all they think is that this guy took the time and thought to buy me something truly special, to show me that he loves me.
What they don't need is story of how wasted you got with your bowling buddies and accidentally walked into store selling Valentine's Day gift baskets thinking it was a phone booth. It ruins that sense of 'my guy got me a great gift'. Here are a few things you should never let your girlfriend/ spouse find out about your Valentine's Day gift.
The price 
If you're not married, telling your partner how much you spent on her Valentine's Day gift is one of the worst ideas possible, what if she thinks you didn't spend enough? You might have found something really great at a bargain or maybe you won something and you decided to give it to her. If you're married and you've spent a lot of money, let your spouse know or better yet, decide in advance how much is too much.

Where you got the help 
Did you ask your mom for gift advice? Did you ask her mom or her sister or best friend? While you did the right thing, she doesn't necessarily need to know. It will again ruin that illusion that you thought of something great to get her.

Where did the inspiration come from? 
Did a sappy love commercial give you the idea for the perfect gift? Is that really the kind of thing she needs to know? Do you think the gift she's going nuts over is actually stupid? Try and keep that kind of information to yourself. You might think that Valentine's Day fruit baskets or fruit bouquets aren't that big a deal, but women love them. Try to keep her happy and keep your gift opinions to yourself.
Many companies sell unique fruit bouquets and delicious Valentine's day gift baskets, they roll out new lines of their products for special occasions like Valentine's day, mother's day and father's day. Try something different this year and buy a fruit bouquet for your dad. Fruit bouquets come with chocolate sauce.

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Posted by Zainab Amin on 6:39 AM. Filed under , , , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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