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Published On:Monday, August 13, 2012
Posted by abg man

Women too cheat for sex

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Women too cheat for sex
Fidelity is a tough promise to keep. So whenever a woman has dared to stray from her relationship, she's done it for love. 

But now the trend is changing. Like men, even women are craving for casual sex outside.

Love, excitement, money, loneliness or revenge - there are so many ways to justify why women are unfaithful to their husbands and boyfriends. But have you wondered why sex doesn't figure on this list? Well, that's because we've been conditioned to believe that women are 'emotional' creatures and it's only men who cheat for sex. However, the reality seems a little different from that.

Just a few weeks ago, Twilight star Kristen Stewart came under intense criticism, when she was captured with her Snow White And The Huntsman director Rupert Sanders, (who is 19 years her senior, and married with two children), in what the media termed a 'marathon makeout session' in her car one afternoon! Naturally, this came as a shocker, as the pretty actress was dating Hollywood heartthrob Robert Pattinson for the past four years. In fact, just two days after her steamy rendezvous, she was spotted with Pattinson at an award function, where she looked calm and composed, almost blase about the affair. What's more, when her infidelity was exposed by the paparazzi, Kristen immediately issued a public apology to her boyfriend stating that it was a "momentary indiscretion" and that she's still in love with him.

While Kristen's infidelity came as a shock, (she and Pattinson were the perfect young celebrity couple),what was more scandalous was the fact that she acknowledged she had succumbed to the temptation and that it was a result of bad judgment. While the puritans are busy playing the blame game and have bestowed the scarlet letter on Kristen, die-hard fans are still wondering what made her cross the boundary of her stable and seemingly happy relationship, just to enjoy a few moments of physical gratification!

If you think that cheating for sex has always been a man's prerogative, think again. It's not only men who compartmentalise sex and emotions separately; today women too are trying to do that. Love aside, the fairer sex can also look past their stable relationships, and indulge in an affair, which promises pure lust! And you're naive if you think only celebrities or women with an adventurous streak or lifestyle look for sexual pleasures in an affair - you could be a bored, stay-at-home mom or a busy working woman too.

So, why is this happening? Today, the gap between the two genders is diminishing, and it's not just at the workplace. Dr Anjali Chhabria, psychiatrist says, "Women are becoming more aggressive. Traditionally, we believe that women are emotional fools, while men only think from their d*cks, but now you can't rule out the fact that it's possible for women to cheat for sex, as they also have desires. It's just that these desires are subconscious and when a woman is faced with a tempting situation, she is bound to give in. Believe it or not - nowadays, sex is equally important, just like love." It's little wonder then, even if women are in perfectly happy relationships, they can still venture out, to quench their lust for better sex!

Sometimes, it's the adrenaline rush random sex provides that becomes a reason to give in. Seema Hingorrany, relationship expert, comments, "Women can have random sex, and not sex just for love or materialistic reasons. They are simply doing it for the thrill it provides. They believe, if men can do it, why can't they?" Whoever said men and women are from different planets?

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