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Published On:Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Posted by abg man

The Chicken and Egg Problem

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A scientist has discovered that the chicken did, in fact, come before the egg.

Egg and Chick

The question of whether the egg came first or the chicken has intrigued scientists, philosophers and comedians alike. Until recently, it presented itself as a problem that apparently no one could solve. Back in 2010, scientists conducted thorough research to investigate the proteins found in egg shells. It was found that the protein, called OC-17, is found in a chicken’s ovaries. This protein is essential for egg shell formation. The egg goes through many stages and one such stage is where the egg shell crystallizes and hardens in order to protect the egg yolk and fluid inside. At this stage the OC-17 comes into play. It is the mother’s ovaries that provide the egg with this essential protein. Thus, it is only possible for an egg to come from a chicken.

The scientists at Sheffield University have been studying the egg yolk for some time now and claim that they knew about the protein for some time but now, after closer examination, this hypothesis was confirmed. Even though eggs have existed long before any animal resembling a chicken came into being but considering only chicken eggs, one can conclusively prove that the chicken did in fact come first. This interesting discovery proves that age old questions can be put to rest using scientific methods.

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Posted by abg man on 11:59 PM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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