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Published On:Monday, June 11, 2012
Posted by devil

3 Things They Won’t Teach You at B-school

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Every year students spend lacs of rupees or thousands of dollars for getting a business degree. 
It is great to be accepted by a business school, an ivy-league, one at that as it does wonders for your career. Business schools prepare you to become a successful manager or an entrepreneur. Right after graduating, you will be hired by a huge MNC with a hefty pay packet. But there still a few things that business schools fail to teach. They are:

Taking Risks

No business school can ever teach you when to take a risk, or whether it will work. That is something that is completely experience-oriented. Until you jump off the cliff you won’t know if your bungee cord will work. You can do all the safety check you want, but until the moment you take that plunge, it’s hard to tell. Sometimes the cord will snap. The risk you take might not work. But then, sometime,s your risk-taking will pay off in ways you didn’t even imagine was possible. Taking a risk and failing is part of the game. When you get knocked down, get up immediately and continue taking those risks.

Creativity, instinct and compassion

Creativity, instinct and compassion are some of the things that have to be inborn. You need all three to succeed in business and in life. Creativity and imagination are the back-bone of businesses world over. A simple idea (Facebook), a new way of doing something (Hotmail – e-communication), or an invention (light bulb) can change the way people live. Instinct is also important. If there is something within you that tells you to do something, you need the strength and belief to listen to that voice. Most often, instinct is what gets people through. Compassion – another essential to being a good person. If you lack compassion for people, you can never be a good leader. Bill Gate’s philanthropic activities make him a wonderful leader.

Importance of people

It’s the people who are the heart and soul of any brand. Without the people, the brand is nothing. It’s only a lifeless name, or a product, or a service. It’s the people who make the brand what it is. So a good business manager, you need to understand the importance of people working with you. If you’re able to keep your employees happy, the company will thrive. 

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