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Published On:Saturday, March 31, 2012
Posted by devil

Workout Basics Every Man Should Know

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Gymming and working-out have become the buzzwords in contemporary lifestyles that stress upon being fit.

Yes, fitness does require daily exercising but it can be achieved only when the zeal to exercise is combined with some basic, gymming essentials. This is vital to keep you safe from common, gymming injuries. Some of these workout basics have been explained below:

Gym Harder but Smarter
Management gurus often stress upon working smart at the office and not like a donkey. The same rule applies to working-out. This principle is based upon decades of observation where it has been seen that people who work-out without paying attention to their body’s endurance level risk serious injuries. Such folks are also more prone to gymming fatigue. This refers to a state of mentally and physically disliking exercising. Gymming excessively doesn’t add to muscle gains. Remember to wear comfortable and not fashionable clothes when exercising. Choose gym apparel not by its brand but by judging its ability to contribute towards safety and comfort.

Understand Exercising for Bulking & Toning

You need to establish your gymming goals. After the first, few weeks of understanding your way around the gym, it is time to draw a schedule in coherence with your exercising goals. For instance, if you want to bulk-up, you need to lift heavier, for short durations and with lesser reps. If you want to get more toned or just shape-up, you need to do more reps, with lesser load and use longer, exhausting sets. For bulking-up, the best rep range is between 4 and 8. For toning, the recommended rep range is between 8 and 12.

When & How to Eat Around Workout
Even if you are working-out to lose fat, you need to have some sort of a kickstart before you enter the gym. This can be a slice of bread or a banana or a few nuts. If you are into heavy lifting, you need to go heavy on complex carbs before you start exercising, hydrate yourself during workouts and gorge on proteins & carbs post-workout. Your post-workout meal cannot be very light under any circumstances or you risk losing critical, muscle mass. Low-fat milk, a few slices of multi-grain bread and egg whites are just about perfect for giving your body the much needed nutrition.

Keep Challenging Yourself
Don’t get too comfortable within a range of exercises that you have mastered. In order to increase your fitness and make build more muscle, your body needs to be challenged. This means trying out different exercises, different exercising stances and increasing your weight range.

For Overall Fitness, Indulge More in Compound Exercises
It is easy to understand why exercises like deadlifts and weighed squats are recommended for increasing your overall fitness levels—these are Compound Exercises. They are called so because they engage various muscle groups during every rep. This means more muscular exertion and burning more calories, per rep. Also referred to as Multi-Joint Exercises, these are recommended for providing a bigger range of motion and involving nearly every part of the body. This creates the biggest scope for greater, uniform muscle gain.

Cardio is Essential but Time it Smartly
Don’t forget that cardiovascular fitness is the most critical part of exercising for gaining stamina. More stamina also means an increased ability to lift weights. This also ensures faster recovery after workouts. However, time your cardio sessions well. Don’t indulge in heavy cardio if you are into lifting heavy weights. Cardio is best done towards the end of your workout schedule since it tends to tire you quickly. Cardio is also essential for working-out the joints that support your gymming load.

Stretching Before Workout is Good, Stretching During & After is Even Better
Yeah, most of know about the importance of warming-up before working-out to loosen-up our body and avoid injuries. However, stretching during and after the workout, particularly if it includes lifting very heavy weights, is equally beneficial. This fact is unknown to many people. This is one of the lesser-preached gymming tips that can prevent a host of workout injuries and help your muscles recover faster.

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