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Published On:Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Posted by Zainab Amin

Tips In Finding Good Project Management Consultants By Genesis D Roberts

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Most companies already have their own project managers, but why do a lot of them still hire consultants whenever they take on big contracts? It's quite simple, actually - project managers are very involved in the process and their personal interests and "closeness" to the project may actually prevent them from being completely objective. For important undertakings, careful attention to the tiniest details is a must and project management consultants are the professionals who can make sure that the small elements are never overlooked to ensure the success of the project.
Project managers and consultants actually have quite similar roles and responsibilities; perhaps, the main difference lies in their level and scope of involvement. So if you're looking for a good consultant to hire as help for the best accomplishment of your company's project, it would be good to base some of your criteria on the characteristics and values your project manager possesses. To help you, provided below is a list of other essential qualities to look out for.
Keen eye for details - Projects are composed of numerous small details that have to be taken into account to create the best big picture. A reliable consultant makes sure that all these details are covered by the members of the team tasked to accomplish the job, and directs them to the strongest methods to use in working toward the objectives of every stage of the project.

Strong communication skills - As an overseer, a project management consultant must be able to articulate the goals of the project and every team member's responsibilities, evaluate performance in a diplomatic manner to motivate workers, etc. Accomplishing a project requires constantly clear communication to minimize mistakes that can derail the process.
Commitment to strong work values - There are times when the desire for success can compromise foundational values and ethical standards. One of the jobs of the consultant is to help come up with a system that can keep everybody in check so only the best quality of work is produced, and team members also know their value to the process.
Problem-solver - It's imperative for consultants to be able to lead a team in coming up with solutions to issues. When everybody is going frantic due to project obstacles, the consultant remains to be the objective one who resourcefully devises viable ways of working out problems to keep the project moving forward.
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