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Published On:Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Posted by Zainab Amin

10 Reasons to Get Your Loved Ones Active By J. R. Anderson

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It's great to be able to motivate yourself to achieve your fitness goals, improving your quality of life along the way. While we can motivate ourselves, sometimes it's hard for our loved ones to get motivated. We owe it to them to get them active and improving their health. Whether it's our aging parents or our children it's important to instill a healthy mindset. Here are ten reasons why you should be motivating your loved ones to get up, get active, and on the path to better health!
1. One reason to get the children in your life active is because their "weight fate" may be decided at an early age, even before kindergarten. It's important to instill in them an active mindset that will set them up for a healthy future.
2. Your parents have always been there for you from taking care of you when you are sick to bailing you out of jail, now it's your turn to repay the favor. As our parents age they will of course get less active. I know reruns of Gilligan's Island and Mash are great but you need to get them exercising to improve their quality of life!
3. Getting everyone in your life active can save you a ton of money! In 2008 the average medical cost for an obese individual was $1,400 more than a normal weight individual!

4. Exercising can make everyone a little less irritable and feeling better. The rush of endorphins that you get after exercising is a great de-stressor which can even help fight depression!
5. Obesity is the number one preventable disease in the world; help prevent your family members becoming a part of the epidemic! You could be saving them from diabetes, hypertension, joint problems, heart disease... etc. It's amazing how much of hero you actually can be!
6. Any exercise done together can help build your family bonds! The family that exercises together stays together or at least doesn't become obese together!
7. For the ladies in your life, exercising can help reduce the symptoms of the menstrual cycle. This could save everyone in the family a lot of stress!
8. If your husband or boyfriend is experiencing decreased libido, get him to start lifting weights and exercising! This can naturally increase his testosterone (even sub-maximal exercise can increase your testosterone) which can increase his libido, ramping up your love life!
9. Unless you like cleaning up puke and snot, get your loved ones active to help increase their immune system! It was even found that obese individuals were more susceptible to this year's flu due to a lowered immunity.
10. Do the elderly in your life seem a little mentally slower as they have gotten older? Get them up and active! Even mild exercise can stave off memory loss and helps establish new brain connections. This can all facilitate learning!
If you want more information on at-home fitness and how to improve your quality of life visit Always Active Athletics. You'll find convenient, sustainable exercise and nutrition tips to help you get the results you deserve!

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Posted by Zainab Amin on 6:27 AM. Filed under , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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