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Published On:Thursday, November 1, 2012
Posted by abg man

US dismisses Hafeez Saeed's aid offer for Sandy victims as 'hollow'

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US on Thursday dismissed as "hollow" the offer of humanitarian aid for superstorm Sandy victims from Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafeez Muhammad Saeed, the 2008 Mumbai attacks mastermind and for whom the US has offered a bounty of USD 10 million.

"As you all well know, Saeed is believed to be behind organising the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack in which 166 people were killed, including six Americans. That is why he is actually now the subject of a rewards for justice programme," State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters.

"Furthermore, both the United States and the United Nations have designated his organisation, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, a terrorist organisation," he said.
US on Thursday dismissed as "hollow" the offer of humanitarian aid for superstorm Sandy victims from Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafeez Muhammad Saeed, the 2008 Mumbai attacks mastermind and for whom the US has offered a bounty of USD 10 million., News, zap, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, Hafeez Muhammad Saeed, Mumbai terrorist attack, Sandy victims, masterminding the 2008 Mumbai attacks, US dismisses Hafeez Saeed's aid offer for Sandy victims as 'hollow'
"So while we have great respect, obviously, for the Islamic tradition of social assistance to those who are in need, no matter where they might be, this particular offer strikes us as very hollow," Toner said in response to a question on the offer of humanitarian assistance from Saeed for the victims of the hurricane Sandy.

On October 30, Hafiz Saeed said his organisation was ready to help Americans affected by the superstorm Sandy.

"We are ready to send food items, medicines and doctors to the US for the people affected by the storm," Saeed said.

He said that though the US had put a bounty on his head, it was the duty of Muslims to help fellow human beings, irrespective of their faith, during a natural catastrophe.

Saeed was placed under house arrest for less than six months after the Mumbai attacks, largely due to pressure from the world community. He was freed in 2009 on the orders of the Lahore high court.

Despite the bounty offered by the US for Saeed, he has been freely holding public meetings across Pakistan, especially in Punjab province.

Pakistan has so far refused to take action against Saeed on the basis of material provided by India about his role in masterminding the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

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Posted by abg man on 7:08 AM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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