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Published On:Thursday, July 12, 2012
Posted by abg man

For Men Who’ve Joined The “I Hate Women” Club

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If a woman doesn’t respond to your call after two messages, it means she is not interested, say dating experts.

Men are always bickering about women, about how they show false signals but at the end of the day, they end up ditching them, among many other things. A man should know that he should not get too attached with a woman he meets randomly or expect her to hook up with him instantly because women’s psyche is different. Understanding the women psyche is not easy but men should not lose hope as some dating specialists are there to help them out in understanding different scenarios that they might experience when there is woman involved.

BreakupOne of the most common scenario in which men continue to chase women after a date or two dates is when they call her or message her twice and she doesn’t answer back. Here, men mostly think that something might have gone wrong at the woman’s end and choose to opt for different excuses to get in touch with her. However, according to dating specialists, in such a scenario, when a woman doesn’t call you after two messages, it simply means that she is not interested in you and that you should not chase her. The same scenario is highlighted by David Wygant, a dating expert, who mentions on his blog that if he calls a woman on Monday and she doesn’t pick up, he leaves a message informing her about a plan for the weekend for both of them and if she ends up not calling him back by Thursday, it would basically entail her lack of interest in him. He also pointed out that even if she does call him on Thursday, it would simply mean that she is least bothered about his plan for the weekend and is rather playing games with him. David points this scenario as a situation in which men should simply not chase behind women because there are no ifs and buts’; it is all about getting to the point, which here is that the woman is not interested in you.

There are other scenarios and hints that men should pick up when they are dating women to know when they should stop chasing her. For instance, dating specialists also suggest that if a woman pays the bill for everything you do on the first date, 90 percent of the times, it means that she is not interested in the date at all. Men should be careful about these things and should try to understand the woman psyche before joining the I Hate Women club.

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