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Published On:Sunday, May 6, 2012
Posted by devil

How To Be Single And Happy

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Being single is under-rated.
Take our word on this. Yes, love brings happy and we all need companions with whom we can spend our lives. But then flying solo for while is good and needed to discover the true you and to live life your way. Don’t let your committed friends bring you down about your single status. It is definitely possible to be single and happy.

1. Discover you
This may sound a tad bit fantastical and romantic, but being single is the perfect time to discover you. This time on your hand should be used to do things that you love, the ones that make you happy. It could be reading, travelling, photography or what matters to you. When you discover what makes you happy, you will experience joy such as you have never known.

2. It’s an open field
Look at the plus side of being single. You are free to look, to flirt and to have a good time. There is no one to stop you from admiring beautiful women and you won’t feel guilty about doing so either. The world is your playground, quite literally. Of course, we don’t mean that you letch or behave like a prick. Keep it classy and keep it sexy.

3. Friendships
If you are single, then it only means that you have that much more time on hand to be with your friends and hang out with them. Make the most of this and focus on re-connecting with your friends and having a good time with them. Friends are what make life interesting and worthwhile, so totally immerse yourself in friendship and thus bring happiness and joy in your life.

4. Silence
If you’re single, then your life will have its share of silence and peace. No tolerating mood swings, nagging, erratic behaviour. You won’t even have to invest in tactfully handling passive aggressive situations. You’re free and you are your own boss.

5. Finances
Of course, you will surely save a truck load when you’re single. No buying expensive gifts, no paying for dinner / dates etc. You can control your finances and spend all of your money on you and your happiness!

Being single and happy is rather easy. You just have to look at the bright side of like and take things with a pinch of salt.

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