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Published On:Sunday, May 6, 2012
Posted by devil

12 Poses to Stay Youthful Always

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Whether we like it or not, we are getting on and nothing can stop ageing. Be it glowing skin or a lean body, the intention is to age gracefully. Suryanamaskar is a sequence of yoga poses that are almost universally beneficial; with benefits that counter many aspects of ageing. The 12 poses of Suryanamaskar help maintain muscles, help retain flexibility and boost metabolism. Practising Suryanamaskar either at a slow or fast pace help with digestion, soothe the nervous system and strengthen the heart. Not just that, these asanas help you feel energetic, rejuvenated and keep stress and anxiety away.

1. Namaskar Mudra: Stand straight with your feet together, hands by the side. Now, bring your palms close to your chest in namaskar mudra and breathe normally. Benefit: Pose 1 and 12 help retain balance and strenghtens your back, neck and shoulders.

2. Back bending Chakrasana: Inhale and raise your hands. Now, arch your back and stretch your arms upwards as much as you can. Once in this position, breathe normally. Benefit: Pose 2 and 11 help with digestion and tone the arms and spine. They also make back and hips more flexible.

3. Padahastasana: Exhale and bend forward. Touch your toes without bending your knees. Look downwards and breathe normally. Benefit: Pose 3 and 10 increase blood circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system. They also tone abdominal tracts.

4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana: Inhale and place your palms on the floor. Now bend your right leg (between your hands), at a 90degree angle from the floor. Stretch your left leg backwards and arch your back. Then look upwards and breathe normally. Benefit: Pose 4 and 9 help build hand and wrist muscles.

5. Santolasana: Exhale and place your right leg behind you, aligned to your left leg. Make sure your hands are aligned below, with your shoulders. Your shoulders, back and hips should be in a straight line. Once you're in this posture, breathe normally. Benefit: Pose 5 and 8 strengthen your heart and relieve shoulder ache.

6. Shashtanga Mudra: Bend your elbows, chin, chest and knees towards the floor. Tuck your elbows on the sides and close to the body. Then, raise close to the body. Then, raise your hips and breathe normally. Benefit: Pose 6 strengthens your arms and legs, increases flexibility in the neck and shoulders and helps release tension in the neck and shoulders.

7. Sarpasana: Inhale and raise your upper body up to your elbows, your chin raised upwards. Bend your shoulders backwards. Your waist should touch the floor. Breathe normally. Benefit: This asana stimulates circulation in abdominal organs, aids your digestive tract and stretches your body.

8. Parvatasana: Exhale; raise your hips pushing the upper body, keeping your heels on the floor. Keep your knees straight and face downwards-with your eyes on the navel region. Once in position, breathe normally. Benefit: See Pose 5. It stimulates blood circulation and helps strengthen arms and wrists.

9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana: Place your left leg forward, in between your hands and inhale. Now arch your back, raise your chin and keep your palms flat on the floor. Breathe normally once you are in this posture. Benefit: See Pose 4. It also exercises your spine and arms.

10. Padahastasana: Bring your left leg forward (towards your right leg), keeping your knees straight. Touch your toes while keeping your neck relaxed. Once you attain this posture, breathe normally. Benefit: See Pose 3. It also stretches your back and leg muscles.

11. Back Bending Chakrasana: Bring your palms together, inhale, raise your hands and upper body and arch your back. Breathe normally once you attain this posture. Benefit: See Pose 2. It helps tone arms and shoulders. 12. Namaskar Mudra: Come back to the starting position slowly, while exhaling. Benefit: See Pose 1. It also stimulates the respiratory system.

Surya namaskar is a sequence of yoga poses that counter the many effects of ageing. Apart from physical benefits, it helps with the digestive and nervous systems.

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