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Published On:Monday, March 26, 2012
Posted by devil

There Are No Shortcuts to Reaching Your Goals - But There Are Alternative Routes

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I love walking and am often faced with short cuts or at least they appear that way. Some have proven to be great whilst others have taken me on very long routes. So it got me thinking that sometimes short cuts don't help us to reach our goals any quicker, especially when you are trying out a short cut for the first time.  Believe me I have tried some short cuts, sometimes with funny results and others with consequences that I prefer to let fade into distant memory.
When starting out in my home based business, I realised that I also had the choice to try to take crazy short cuts or to think smart and try alternative routes to help me reach my goal quicker.  You can take the 'crazy short cuts' and eventually get to your goal or you can read on to find out about alternative routes that will help you to get to your destination in the quickest possible way.
1. Work out Your Destination - Set your Goals
Well the first thing is you have to know what you end goal is. If you don't know where you are going then how will you know when you reach it? Work out what it is that you actually want from your home based online business. So many people start their work from home business without any clear goals in place. They are just trying to escape the 'rat race' and trying to make money fast and these are the people that often fail.
You have to know where you are going in order to get there.
  • Writing your goals down makes them real - so really allow your mind to run wild and write down your dreams - no matter how big or small.
  • For each goal make them specific and give them a deadline by which to achieve it.
  • Visual reminders help to keep you focused about your end goals - you could make them into a vision board or book that you look at each morning before you start the day to remind you of your why?
  • BE CLEAR on your destination and make sure that you set out goals before you start on your home based journey.
2. Plan Your Alternate Route -Set Smart Goals
If you have no plan for your alternate route you will lose your way and find yourself arriving at the wrong destination.  Think of your plan as your itinerary that sets out where you are going, the dates you need to get started and when you should arrive.
You need to have a plan to start with and you need to work out all the things you need to do in order to reach that goal.
  • I am talking about the practical steps like writing a blog each day, setting up your website, having a clear marketing plan.
  • Each of those tasks may need to be broken down even further.
  • Look at your home based business plan every day - your brain needs constant reminding or you will gradually drift off course.
3. Take Action - Achieve Your Goals
To get to your destination you have to take action - many people talk about the things they need to do or get so overwhelmed by the tasks ahead that they end up doing nothing. This reinforces their belief that working from home cannot work and they return to their 'job'.
  • You need to set realistic time scales.
  • Break down tasks and sets deadlines for each task.
  • Deadlines help to keep you focused on what you are doing.  For example if you plan to generate three leads by the end of the day - what are you going to do in order to move closer to that goal?
What have you done to achieve your goal in the quickest possible time? Have you found any alternative routes that work for you or are you still searching for that opportunity?
We talk so much about what we plan to do, we spend so much time planning and then we never get round to doing it.
If you need help to get started or plan your route to your goals then visit me at http://www.mysuccessathome.com to find out the alternative route I took.

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Posted by devil on 7:49 AM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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