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Published On:Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Posted by devil

How to Make Your Own Natural Dandruff Home Remedy

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Have you already invested in top leading anti-dandruff shampoo brands, yet none of them have been effective in eliminating your dandruff problems? Have you though-out of the type of shampoo that is applicable for you? If you are looking for the safest and effective way in preventing dandruff build up and scalp irritations, then perhaps you might want to consider dandruff home remedies.

The great thing about home remedies is they don't have strong additives and detergents, such as ammonium lauryl sulfate in their ingredients, which causes the shampoo to be soapy, causing dandruff to form. Home remedy for dandruff provides natural nutrients that help prevent unstable activities of natural fungus, which naturally inhabits the scalp. Therefore, natural growth and skin renewal can become steadier and even not resorting to irritations in the scalp.
Although Anti-dandruff shampoos have always been 100% successful in quickly responding and eliminating dandruff, they are not applicable for everybody. Their chemical additives and other active ingredients can cause allergic reactions to individuals who suffer with mild or severe contact dermatitis, an infection triggered by abrasive substances for total dandruff wipe-outs. Therefore herbal home remedies are the best alternative in repairing the scalp in a safer and more natural process.
Here are a few ways on how to create your own personal anti-dandruff home remedy:
• Drink Lots of water - Drinking lots of water can prevent dehydration, so actually contribute to preventing dandruff formation. It has worked with a lot of individuals and has been pretty effective.
• Apple cider vinegar - Soak hair with apple cider vinegar allowing it to penetrate through the scalp for 5 minutes then rinse. Shower hair thoroughly and use regular shampoo. After a week of regular use, you'll be able to feel a healthier and softer hair with less or no dandruff at all.
• Baking Soda Baking - Soda is the best handy solution to eliminating fungus. It is very inexpensive. Just pour about the size of your palm of it on your wet hair, then massage it thoroughly. It can treat the most rigorous dandruff attacks.
• Fish oil supplements - Fish oil contains a lot of essential fatty acids and can decently help remove all the flakes and itchiness that your scalp endures. With its regular use, you don't need to worry about using anti-dandruff shampoos, because you're sort of solving the issue from inside out, so after a while dandruff will simply go away.
• Tea tree oil - Tea tree oil has always worked well in removing dandruff and itchy scalps. Its being used by leading shampoo producers for dandruff treatments. Use dandruff shampoos with tea tree oil on a regular basis, and all signs of dandruff should be removed.
You can also use the tea tree itself with a combination of sweet almond oil for an effective anti-dandruff and healthier hair.
• Argan oil - Argan oil has natural elements that help neutralize and balance hair condition. It moisturizes hair follicles and scalp to prevent dry skin. Apply a small amount on hair, let it stay for a few minutes, then rinse off properly followed by a regular shower using moisturizing shampoo. The result is a full healthy and smooth hair with no dandruff at all.
A dandruff home remedy may not take its effect overnight; however, it can eventually eliminate those irritations and flakes if applied on a regular basis. By exploring our dandruff remedies website, you'll find some very useful ways to get rid of those whitey flakes once and for all.
Tonya L. Berryhill is a writer who specializes in haircare and dandruff issues. You can check out her website at Dandruff-Remedies.com, where she provides even a more in depth resource on the most effective Dandruff Home Remedy, best dandruff shampoo and much more.

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