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Published On:Friday, November 22, 2013
Posted by devil

Importance of Entrepreneurship Skills By Adrian C. Nelson

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The Key to Long-term Success
Have you ever found yourself speaking with a non-entrepreneur and it seems as though they are from some other place? I believe it is because (as I'm sure many of you do) that entrepreneurs are so different than the rest of the population that we don't even realize some times how different that we really are!
As we have decided to become our own creation and - not be too redundant - we "live life on our own terms." Having said that, we also know that entrepreneurialism comes with a price - both monetarily and with the sacrifices, choices and actions that we need to make.
It is not easy to say the least - especially when an entrepreneur is starting out. However, I have been witness to many established entrepreneurs that confront similar difficulties.

There is so much to know, do and consider that it can be overwhelming.
Over my years of consultation and coaching together with what other coaches have revealed to me - I know that there is one area in particular that is such a challenge for many entrepreneurs. It literally limits their progress and can stop them from being successful - particularly over the long term.
Do you know what that #1 difficulty is?
Firstly, let's review what many entrepreneurs are and how it makes us different than everyone else.
We are:
  • Hardworking
  • Energetic
  • Ambitious
  • Visionaries
  • Solution-Finders
  • Implementers
  • So much more...
Although this is a pretty impressive list of attributes - it lacks a key ability that is essential to all entrepreneurs:
Why is this so?
If you don't know how to properly manage a business and know about universal business skills that ALL successful businesses know about - Fortune 500 companies to the smallest solo-preneur - then it will be an uphill battle as you try to start or progress forward with your business.
It may be tempting to "think" you know these skills, but really - it is an illusion for many entrepreneurs. Unless you have a formal background AND some good experience with using business skills in a practical and applicable way, they are of little value to you.
What is the solution to this?
Find Out What You Need to Know and Learn It!
This is the best gift you can give yourself. Why?
Investing in your business and indeed yourself will give you something that nothing else can:
After all, isn't this why you are in business in the first place?
To be:
  • Financially independent
  • Time independent
  • Location independent
  • Skills independent
  • Challenge independent
So, the solution is not to ignore learning the essentials about business.
Don't become one of the statistics of people who:
  • Never get their business going
  • Never are profitable
  • Never expand their business
  • Never realize the business or your own potential
  • Never feel satisfied
  • Never feel accomplished
  • Never feel they make a difference
And above all:
The answers can be found in your own actions of setting aside your pride and realizing your own deficiencies - with the knowledge that YOU CAN LEARN AND IMPROVE THEM - it's all up to you.
What are these business skills essentials? 

Read more and sign-up for our Complimentary Series "My Business Skills Learning Essentials List." http://goo.gl/GlMg28

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