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Published On:Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Posted by abg man

Married couples have sex sans orgasm

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Married couples have sex sans orgasm (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)
A growing number of men and women are giving up the conventional, climax-oriented intercourse for a different type of lovemaking that emphasises more on attachment and affection.

Karezza, which is derived from the Italian word carezza, meaning caress, stays far from the edge of orgasm.

Many couples are finding that the technique of karezza has helped heal their marriages, inject more spark into their sex lives, shed porn addiction, and even cure sexual dysfunction.

The word karezza was coined by Dr. Alice Bunker Stockham in 1896, a Chicago obstetrician and feminist who crusaded for birth control, a ban on corsets and sexual fulfillment for both men and women.

For strengthening marriages, Stockholm encouraged 'male continence', although she encouraged women abstain from orgasm as well, in the interest of equality.

Lauded by doctors and American's alike, karezza is beginning to be seen as a natural alternative to Viagra, and possibly a cure for sexual dysfunction, or lack of desire, in women.

Deb Feintech, a counsellor from Portland, Maine, says she often uses karezza to help couples repair their broken relationships.

"The people most interested are men. It's very radical for them, but they are finding the emotional intimacy far outweighs any of the thrill of the chase and the mating mind," the Daily Mail quoted her as telling ABC News.

She added that the practice is not just helpful for middle-aged couples struggling with the boredom of a long marriage, but also for young couples headed to the altar.

"I offer this to them as something to try for a month or so. They wake up every single morning and they are not even thinking about genital stimulation. They are snuggling, holding and breathing with eye contact and flow. It's very conscious - from the genitals to the heart," she added.

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