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Published On:Sunday, July 8, 2012
Posted by abg man

The Government, Business and Your Job

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It is frustrating to see the politicians fight over which jobs are "important" and which jobs are "worth saving" when every job counts right now. Without getting into the discussion of how illegal immigration affects the job market and the "solutions" to the problem, whether temporary or permanent it is hard to ignore the fact that the government seems to think they know better.
I can safely say that government is out of touch when it comes to jobs and job creation.
It is debatable as to who is more important, the job creator or the worker doing the job because one cannot survive for long without the other. There is no doubt though that we need more jobs and to tell you the truth I don't care if they are private sector or government jobs because we need people in both arenas. Here's why: 
  • Small businesses in this country are truly our backbone because innovation and true growth are fueled by these companies, big and small. Many companies would love to hire people and grow their business but due to our government they often are held back from realizing true success - mainly due to the cost of doing business has increased so sharply and unless something is done will continue to do so.

  • Many are also starting to feel that the "free market" is dead because there is too much regulation and/or taxation making it impossible for businesses to move ahead. I am sure that if the powers that be were to actually work together and find ways to make it easier to do business as well as help level the playing field we would all benefit. Should I start holding my breath on this or should I wait until after the election or are we that broken? I do have faith that we can work together when the need is tremendous and we are pushed into a corner but really hope it doesn't have to go that far, we are better than that!
Onto the other side of the proverbial coin, government workers. 
  • Now for any politician of any persuasion to think that we don't need more police, firemen, teachers, transportation workers, etc. is insanity. All these agencies are stretched to the limit now making it hard enough to provide us the level of service we need. For example, anyone in the United States waiting on hold when calling 911 during an emergency is just plain stupid, maybe in a 3rd world country but not here!

  • It is also apparent that politician like building prisons more than schools, meaning that our children are not a priority because they would rather invest in criminals. This is also apparent in the continual raping of the education budgets making it harder and harder for our students to get basic supplies. If you are a parent you know what I mean, how many fundraisers have you helped your children with this year just so the school can get something they should have had in the first place.

  • Then there are the roads, I am sure you don't have to go very far to find a road that you hope your fillings don't rattle out of your head because the roads never get repaired. As much as we hate road construction and think transportation workers are lazy, the TSA aside, infrastructure workers are here to keep us and industry moving - when they have be provided the resources to do so. It is common for money set aside for road maintenance to be siphoned off to other more "worthwhile" projects by local officials. I guess the government thinks we can afford new tires and alignments every year.

  • The bottom line is that as much as people don't like the government spending our tax dollars on government services like these, we need government workers in these areas unless you would prefer to watch all our basic services fall apart. Think about that the next time you can't get something done in an emergency or have to spend more money fixing things yourself because government funding was cut.
One other area I want to touch on is the healthcare industry because it kind of blurs the lines a bit between the government and private sector job markets. 
  • Now here's an industry we can't outsource overseas plus we are severely short-handed for doctors and nurses now - something that isn't expected to slow down anytime soon due to the aging population. However, the government seems to like deciding what you can and can't do with your body (maybe big brother does know you better than yourself... NOT!) along with colluding with insurance providers making it hard for those who have to use the services to even function - both doctor and patient.

  • All doctors and nurses want to do is help people and get paid fairly to do it, is that too much to ask? All the patient wants to get help when they need it and at a price they can afford, is that too much to ask? If doctors and patients banded together and reminded the government and insurance companies that they wouldn't exist if it wasn't for them then things could be very different, you just have to get their attention and make these people listen. Doctors, nurses and patients have simple needs - by god let these people help each other, make it easy for that to happen and not the other way around.
So at the end of the day, we have a long way to go. If you do nothing else, make your voice heard when you or someone you know was let go from their job or you can't find work in your industry - demand the government serve your needs because without us they wouldn't have a job either! 
Funny how that works, isn't it?

FYI - If you are looking for a job, we can help you find out who's hiring and prepare you to stand out from your competition. Let's work together, it's a team effort!
Take care and let's all get back to work,
Shah Mundell

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Posted by abg man on 11:42 AM. Filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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