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Published On:Saturday, March 16, 2013
Posted by abg man

5 Sex secrets every woman must know

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Here are five sex secrets that may help you understand and get even closer to your guy... 

Men are full of surprises and bedroom behaviour is no exception. While it's impossible to explain all male behaviours, here are five sex secrets that may help you understand and get even closer to your guy. 
Men are full of surprises and bedroom behaviour is no exception. While it's impossible to explain all male behaviours, here are five sex secrets that may help you understand and get even closer to your guy.

He's nurses the fear that he'll let you down 
Men feel tremendous pressure to perform sexually. While women aren't waiting for marriage to have sex, and that means they are far more relaxed in the bedroom. Sexually satisfied role models, like Madonna and the 'Sex and the City' sirens, encourage urban women to be open about their sexual desires and complaints. These liberated women to cause some trouble for their male partners. Suddenly, the pressure to perform is on, and he can't help but feel like he has to please you. Even though you may not be so bothered about his performance and you might forgive him for a few poor performances, he has a hard time forgiving himself. It's really tough on him. 

If your man has a recurring problem of performance, he may start to blame you to protect his ego. Be prepared to handle this situation. 

What you can do: 
Don't take it personally or, worse, insult him. And never laugh! Just pretend that it is no great deal for you. 

Men need validation to get their groove on 
Sex is a source of power from ages, and it gives proof that one is masculine. To a man, having sex means that he can move a woman, that he's energetic, a provider and a lover. Basically, your guy wants to be a superhero, and he certainly wants you to see him in that light. When he satisfies you sexually, he feels like superman. If you're enjoying yourself, let him know that. He'll love you for your compliments. 

No encouragement means no fun. Whether you are enjoying yourself or not, just be encouraging. 

What you can do 
A good rule of thumb: Don't fake it but don't fight it. Just look happy and satisfied and that would make your man feel super. 

Men don't like waiting too long 
Women should never hold out to have sex simply because of the so called rules of dating. He is more likely to commit if there is a sexual component to the relationship, and it is important for him to know that you find him sexually desirable. 

If your guy is offended when you initiate sex, get rid of him. 

What you can do 
We're all sensual beings; we might as well be who we are. So don't be afraid to make a move. 

Men too are conscious about their bodies 
Let's face it: Men may not worry about weight nearly as much as women do, but they do have their own image issues. 

Most men are quite concerned about their general physical condition, height and baldness. In other words, they are hoping for mood lighting in the bedroom just as much as women are. 

What you can do 
Help your man by telling him that you find him attractive and showing him affection. 

Most men will not forgive a cheating girlfriend 
Men who have been betrayed, especially in the bedroom, are far less likely to forgive their partners than women in the same situation. 

Men want loyalty at all cost. 

What you can do 
Show your loyalty not only by remaining faithful when in a committed relationship, but also by supporting your man in front of colleagues and friends and defending him when necessary. This allegiance will make your man more secure and will give him the motivation to let loose in the bedroom with you. Men want commitment just as much as women do; they just want it packaged differently.

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Posted by abg man on 12:33 PM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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